Tuesday 8 September 2015

Why Read?

Okay everyone, Mr Webb is on his soapbox.

Given my job title as 'English teacher' you would think that one of the things I am paid money to say to everyone is: reading the most important activity you could do with your free time.

Whilst this is, in a roundabout way, true, it also happens to be what I vehemently believe.

As students of mine (or any other students who have made your way here) I can tell you that every second you spend with your nose in a book is a second that is making you better. In every way. You are becoming more thoughtful, more empathetic, more intelligent, more imaginative, more rounded, more knowledgeable, more interesting, more successful, more fulfilled, more open to new ideas...more everything!

I guarantee, that if you make reading a part of your every day lives, you will begin to reap the rewards almost immediately.

So go to the library, go to the bookshop, raid the bookshelves at home, get recommendations from your friends.

Or watch this video first and then go and do those things:

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